1. Background:
The Mozambique Transmission Company – MOTRACO – is a limited liability company incorporated in Republic of Mozambique in 1998. The company is a joint venture of Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM), Eskom holdings (Eskom), and Eswatini Electricity Company (EEC). MOTRACO was created as a vehicle for cooperation with the primary objective of building, owning, operating, maintaining the transmission system, and supplying electricity to the Mozal aluminium smelter in Mozambique and wheeling power to EEC and EDM.
2. Context and Description:
MOTRACO network comprises 2 x 400KV Transmission lines and Substations in Maputo, Eswatini, and South Africa. These infrastructures are operated by local Technicians who have been trained for such operations. In view of increasing the number of Technicians, the training session shall be conducted to perform training for Technicians who operate in their respective utilities to be able to operate at MOTRACO network.
3. Scope of work:
The bidder is required to conduct a training for 10 candidates (5 from EDM and 5 from EEC) from Mozambique and Eswatini respectively as per ESKOM standard to operate 400KV substation. The training will comprise, amongst other contents, theoretical and practical modules on the following:
- Operating Regulation for High Voltage Systems;
- Equipotential Earthing Zones (EPZ) in Workplace;
- Supervising Employees working in High Voltage Environment;
- Operating Theory.
4. Format of proposal:
4.1. The proposal must be detailed and present the following:
- Cost of theoretical and practical lessons per person;
- Any other applicable costs.
4.2. Bidders shall submit the following documents:
- Company profile;
- Track record and experience on similar work, including reference letters;
- Company registration documents and supporting documents;
- Training Plan;
- Any other relevant support certificates/documents.
5. Clarifications:
All clarifications shall be submitted by email to MOTRACO to the attention of:
- Name: Virgilio Laisse, Operations Engineer
- Email: Vlaisse@motraco.co.mz
- Cc: esitoe@motraco.co.mz
6. Closing Date:
The proposals must be submitted no later than 03:00 PM on 21st June 2024.